Cloud computing technology is prospering

Cloud computing technology is prospering at an enormous rate in IT industry, and so a company’s server hosting requirements can be quenched with two instances. One is to go for a dedicated server and the other one is to go for a cloud hosted server. This article will try to focus on the merits of these solutions, from a neutral point of view.

Cloud hosting has emerged as the next big thing
Cloud hosting has emerged as the next big thing

Cloud hosting has emerged as the next big thing

Cloud Web Hosting- Cloud hosting has emerged as the next big thing in the server hosting world, as it undoubtedly has enough potential to, one day, become the one and only solution for data and hosting storage. In this concept, the server is outsourced and run on virtual software by a remote operating company. Several data centers are running on virtual server, which means that a single server produces many virtual servers and, from user’s POV, the functioning looks similar to that of a dedicated server, which is not in reality.

Dedicated Server- Dedicated servers have been around from more than two decades. They are the most conventional, trustworthy, and highly recommended for hosting services like we apps, interactive websites and virtually anything. Getting a dedicated service follows an easy protocol, where a particular user leases or purchases a server from a providing company and then pays monthly fees for the services.